Visual Organising

We use Visual Organising, informed by the Design Justice principles, to move towards liberated communications, build narrative change and celebrate our playful & radical imaginations.

We believe these creative skills are vital to social movements because they move us beyond the written word, challenge reductive representations and allow us to dream & breathe more deeply. 

Case study: Iniva Future Collect, 2023

We took visual notes at Iniva’s one-day hybrid event about their Future Collect programme, a three-year programme designed to create a dynamic new model to transform the culture of commissioning and collecting within museums to reflect the diversity of Britain.

We then edited over 50 drawings into five A3-sized digital visuals, which summarise the discussions and learnings of the day.

Case study: Civic Power Fund / Joseph Rowntree Foundation

We took visual notes at CPF’s conference on funding for grassroots community organising, capturing inspirational talks by Martha Awojobi and team as well as panel discussions.

In addition to this, we illustrated feedback from community organisiers. These ‘Dear Funder’ slides have been shared widely and used to support people who are pushing for more direct funding for organising

Case study: Counterpoints Arts / GLA

Together with Aleesha Nandhra and Sadie St.Hilaire we took visual notes at Counterpoints Arts Learning Lab capturing how artist-led methodologies and cultural programmes in local government are transforming civic participation, service provision, policy-making and governance.