Our Team

Joon-Lynn Goh

Co-Founding Director & Organiser

Contact Joon-Lynn to ask about Migrants in Culture's programme, partnerships, and if you would like to support our work.

“I'd also be interested in hearing from people nurturing organisations and businesses as creative infrastructure and how daoism helps us practice abolition.”

Rosalie Schweiker

Co-Founding Director & Designer

Contact Rosalie to book our design services & find out more about our design strategy.

“I'd also be interested to hear from people interested in community orchards and organising childcare collectively.”

Javie Huxley


Contact Javie to ask more about our Design services and Training.

“I’d also be interested to hear from people interested in arts, abolition and joyful community practices.”

Heiba Lamara

Design Services Producer heiba@migrantsinculture.com

Contact Heiba to book our design services.

“I'd also be interested to hear from people exploring the role of print in social change, zine-making and indie publishing models.”

Becca Thomas

Studio Manager

Contact Becca to ask about communications, invoicing, and with general enquiries.

“I’d also be interested in hearing from tarot and ritual practitioners.”

Dr. Diana Damian Martin

Co-Founder & Researcher
[On sabbatical]

Contact Diana to discuss Migrants in Culture research and learning practices.

“I'd also be interested to connect with those interested in migrant-led knowledge, and anticolonial, cross-ecology co-research for change.”

Our history

Before we became a design agency, Migrants in Culture was a volunteer-led advocacy network aiming to make visible and to challenge the impact of the Hostile Environment on the culture sector and its workers. 

Regular MIC Members included: Alessandra Cianetti, Alicja Rogalska, Amal Khalaf, Bojana Janković, Diana Damian Martin, Joon-Lynn Goh, Laura Gordon, Nicola Singh, Xavier de Sousa, Rosalie Schweiker.

From 2018-2020, we: