
What is Border Abolition?

“What we call border abolition is concerned with expanding the freedom to move and to stay.  This does not mean advocating for free movement in the world as it is currently configured, but rather for transformation of the conditions to which borders are a response. Abolition is concerned with presence (the presence of life-sustaining goods, services and practices of care) as well as absence (of violent state practices like detention and deportation).  Accordingly, border abolition seeks to dismantle violent borders, but also to cultivate new ways of caring for one another, nurturing forms of collectivity more conducive to human flourishing than the nation-states we currently inhabit. Border abolition is a revolutionary politics situated within wider struggles for economic justice, racial equality and sustainable ecologies, based on the conviction that there will be no liveable futures in which borders between political communities are violently guarded.“ 

Gracie Mae Bradley and Luke de Noronha, Against Borders: The Case for Abolition

Images by Sana Badri

What is Science Fiction Writing?

Science fiction is a genre of speculative fiction that often deals with the imagination, the future, ‘what if’ questions, and notions of what is both possible and impossible. 

What is Design Justice?

Design justice are design processes led by marginalized communities to dismantle structural inequality, and advance collective liberation and ecological survival.

What is Embodied Leadership?

Embodied leadership, especially through somatic techniques, support us to bring our full selves to our visions so that we can be more resourced and connected in our leadership. 

From our first Saturday School session:

Download the Design Justice workbook

Read more about Our Community Inheritance

Healing Justice London aftercare menu

Lorraine Masyia Mponela: I was not born a sad poet

Gracie Mae Bradley and Luke de Noronha: Against Borders: The Case for Abolition

Abolition Science Fiction, including Jess Poyner’s text

Brick by Brick: How we build a world without prisons by Cradle Community

British Arab Writer’s Group with Laith Elzubaidi

See our visual notes for the sci-fi and embodied leadership sessions

Download our 3 questions posters with an illustration by Sahra Hersi